Monday, September 24, 2012



Pastor Kesnel and Mylove

This is Mylove and she is 4 months old.

She is one of the 3 new children who have joined our Haiti family at All In One Village.  Please pray for a smooth transition into their new lives at the village.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The Orphnage wall has been rebuilt. 

Thanks to all the generous donors.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thank you!

Facebook Post from Chris Savini 1013 Missions.  Chris and his wife and children are missionaries living at All In One Village in Haiti.

A huge thank you to the Holmes family, the Richa family, the Avila family, the Martin family, and the folks at Church at the Bay in Tampa Bay for their generous donations to the rebuilding efforts at One Family in Christ Jesus Children's Home. Thanks you for helping us keep those children safe. If you would like to contribute to the wall or the church roof, please make out a check to
Community Christian Church and mail them to
P.O. Box 1733
Bolingbrook, IL
Please write Savini/ Haiti in the memo section.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Post Tropical Storm Pictures

 All- In-One Village, Haiti.
Here are pictures of the damage to the church building after the Tropical Storm.The orphanage roof was also damaged as well as the outer wall of the village.  Repair cost are projected to be about $4,000.  Church at the Bay was able to make a special gift to help with the rebuilding and restoration after the storm.  Thank you to all who help support our Haitian family through prayers and financial support.

"If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord- and he will repay you!"
Proverbs 19:17