Thursday, February 23, 2012

Check out these amazing stories of life change from All in One Village in Haiti.........


She had lived at the home for almost a year. Her aunt had brought her to Yannik and Kesnel because she had lost her job and was in school. She was no longer able to feed Anieka. Anieka's mother has never been able to care for her.
Yannik and Kesnel have been talking to the aunt for several weeks, she is working again and is back on her feet. On Monday (2/13/2012) she picked up Anieka and took her home. We are so happy to see this reunion. Please join us in praying for Anieka and her aunt as they make this transition.


He was a street kid and a pickpocket. He was absolutely hated in the community because he would steal anything from anyone. No one would have anything to do with him and no orphanage would take him in.
Kesnel decided to take a chance on him and would not give up on him even though it seemed there was little hope that Vernod would ever change. That strategy of loving him through it worked, Vernod did change his ways, and Kesnel says that he now trusts him completely.  Please join us in a prayer of thanksgiving for Pastor Kesnels heart for orphans and Gods amazing ability to change people.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sandy Mayer's Reflection on her Trip to Haiti

After spending time with the children and listening to John and Abby Carr, our Global Orphan hosts, share about Global Orphanage, my heart was overwhelmed and awed by God. These children have very little and still have smiles on their faces. They allowed us to enter their personal space with open arms.  They were careful with our possessions (cameras and sunglasses) and returned them when requested. I didn’t see want of anything, but love and touch in their eyes. 

Some of the children's stories of how God placed them exactly where they needed to be touched my heart. There were some children whose parents died in the earthquake two years ago, and other children whose parents just can't take care of them. It was like being in a whole new world and God was letting us know that the great I AM  is here, right in the middle of Haiti, and cares. I saw God’s love in the faces of the children, the orphanage leaders, the pastors, and the mamas.  I could see our awesome God is working around us.  

I kept asking myself what is God going to show me? I was there to love the children, but with such an opportunity comes a lesson and I didn’t want to miss it. I was jealous and hungry for God to speak to me about who He is in me. I felt so inadequate to pray or speak during our group devotion times.  I wanted God to speak to me and give me something to share, but I kept listening to the lie of not knowing enough, not understanding enough, and not praying with spiritual insight. 

What a list, and what a lie.

God said look at me and trust in me. You cannot glorify me with your mind on all your so-called shortcomings.  Trust me.  

I then asked God to do whatever it took to strip me of myself and replace all that is within me with Him.  He is all I need and there is nothing inadequate about HIM.  The rest of the trip, I stepped into a boldness and a kind of confidence, in God, that I'm just getting to know. I prayed with others, I loved on the kids, and I kept my eyes on God's truth instead of my lies. 

I have seen how great our God is through the eyes of small children. In Matthew 18:3  Jesus says, 

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

We encountered that truth that weekend. We welcomed the children into our arms, but we were the ones who were humbled.
There has been a renewal of who God is within my spirit.  I ask God to please help me put into words what He has revealed  to me and how it all came together.  What a privilege I have been given to go a different world and draw so close to Him with a team that was so encouraging.  I can’t thank God enough for this trip and all the prayers that led to such a blessing.  

I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding and in all my ways acknowledge him and he will make my paths straight. (Proverbs  3:5-6)

God's Blessings, 
Sandy Mayer