This is an email that we received from Marsha Campbell, a lady that was apart of our trip over to Haiti and works with Global Orphan Project.
Dear Hals,
Hope this email finds you both well! It is hard to believe it was back in May that we were together in Haiti. I was thinking of you both and wanted to catch up and see how Church of the Bay was doing. I was in Haiti last week and had the opportunity to visit Pastor Joseph Kesnel. They have made tremendous progress on the construction of the children's homes there. Joseph was so excited about being very close to moving the children in to the new homes. They even have beautiful ceramic tile floors! Many of the children came and were singing to us. I will also tell you--I know you both particularly will be happy--the basketball court is finished with hoops that were being utilized well by young guys in the community that come over to play most every day! You will need to go down and do some basketball clinics! The kids would LOVE that!
Joseph and his wife also, have finished their apartment at the village. They are finally out of the tent! They showed me their room and were so delighted. It was truly a happy day to be there and see them readying for the children and school which started last Monday.
Thank you so much for your heart and commitment to these dear children! Church of the Bay needs to celebrate being the hands and feet of Jesus to these little ones in Haiti. Your leadership and generosity are transforming the lives of these children.
Loving the children--with you,
Marsha Campbell
Also, be in prayer for the Cholera outbreak that has hit Haiti. It has killed over 300 and infected about 5000. One of the main problems is the distribution of the vaccine and care to the people of Haiti.
Thank you so much for all the support you have shown. We are making a BIG impact for God in Haiti!